Nations of Inea
Here is where you will find a bit more details about the various nations so you will know more about the various places you might be from or might visit.
Capital: The Great Library
This nation is most known for being thieves of knowledge and lore rather than gold and jewels. They live in hurricane territory, which is where the Great Library can be found. The shoreline here is often attacked by the leviathans just off the coast in the deep ocean waters. This is also where you're most likely to find a lot of the Amorone that lived under the Morosus Empire, and so many cultural traits blend between the two. Their current leadership is the Taviuus Crew, a group of particularly quiet knowledge thieves, known more for their subterfuge and trickery than proper thievery.

Azaldin Empire
Capital: The White Palace
The Azaldin Empire came into power when the Azaldin broke from Sostalia and became their own nation. This happened because of the schism between the Phoenixes. The Azaldin family has ruled ever since, with the current Queen Mariana as the head of the family and the head of the empire. For the most part they have gained their land through winning over other nobles or buying their land from them in order to increase the size of their Empire. In recent years they have reached the borders of the Phoenix Estate, where the Temple of the Phoenix is located, and have been vying for control of it since.

Capital: Oratro
Ciarza is the home of the Jicos, or at least what remains after Qedjix's kill order on them. The Oracle and the Auguries live here, in a complex near the center of the continent. The place is a veritable fortress, meant to protect them from pretty much any form of assault. The nation has spent the last century rebuilding what they could of the Jicos culture and orders, and though it is still fairly chaotic, there are clear goals of expanding to recreate the Jicos Empire as it was.

The Dakrian Isle (Homeland)
Capital: None
Homeland is what the Dakrian call their island on the furthest eastern part of Inea. For most of the rest of the world it is simply called the Dakrian Isle, or the Outermost Isle. There is only one proper city here: Caster, a Souzan city that is the only place they are safe to land and trade with the Dakrians. The Dakrians themselves move from place to place across the island, and sometimes across the water to some of the nearby islands not yet under Souzan control.

Nations of Inea
Here is where you will find a bit more details about the various nations so you will know more about the various places you might be from or might visit.
Capital: Evicus
Deridia is the only off shoot of the Hadus Empire that has existed since the beginning of the Morosus that has survived long enough to make it into the history books. Ruled by their own Emperor, Emperor Darius VI, who was the younger brother of the current emperor of Hadus, Emperor Tidus II. Due to a dispute among the people, Deridia broke off from Hadus roughly 20 years ago now, fighting tooth and nail for their land and to keep it. Mostly covered in swampland and forests, the southern part of Deridia is nearly its own wasteland of battlefields from the war.

Capital: Doreine
Drezhe formed nearly 400 years ago when the Drowned Prophet was assassinated by the Church of the Pheonix. For the most part they have existed in an area near the center north of the continent called the Desert of Rust, exiled there by the far more powerful Sostalia. in more recent years they have managed to take advantage of the war between the Azaldin and Sostalia. Currently they are lead by the three Speakers, men who speak to the Drowned Prophet and, through him, the Sunken One. They lead the people of Drezhe through his will. Because it is meant to be the Sunken One and not the Speakers who lead, they lose their names when they become Speaker, and are called only be their title.

The Deserted Wastes
Capital: None
This large desert is the home of the Teghux, and known for a complete lack of coherence. There are no solid cities in the Wastes, and most sane folk never set foot near the sands. The line between the Wastes and the rest of the world is more clear than most deserts, and anyone who crosses it will quickly begin becoming Teghux the longer that they remain inside that line. This has happened less and less in the last 350 years since it began happening. Unfortunately for the towns around the Wastes, the Teghux don't follow the rules and stay inside their own line. Banditry is common in the few miles around the Wastes, and many towns have picked up everything they could and found new homes to get away from it.

Capital: Daruem
The Hadus Empire has stood since nearly the beginning of time. While most of the other empires have come and gone, the Hadus Empire has stood strong through everything that has hit it. This is made even more surprising with the sheer amount of things that have hit it. Currently they are facing the rebellion of a few nobility and the younger brother of the current emperor, Emperor Tidus II. War is what most of the Morosus of the Hadus Empire know at this point, and because of that they treat it more like a game than like an actual battle. The fact that death is not permanent to them means that they care very little whether people die or not, so long as their reincarnation continues. Hadus is mostly situated on the Hadus penninsual in the southwest of the continent. Mostly swamp land blending into alpine, most of the civilization is tucked between the two in the bit of farmland and forests there.

Nations of Inea
Here is where you will find a bit more details about the various nations so you will know more about the various places you might be from or might visit.
Capital: The Water Downs
Kaeraelle is generally considered to be the home of the Amorone, as it was their true first land. It is the place where the Amorone returned to from the sea, and afterwards they spread to the other shorelines of the western continent. However, they still remain as the largest of the Amorone nations. This is ruled by the majority of the more coastal Amorone. They're known for fishing and trade, though there are always the minor raiding parties that go out. When the other cultures think Amorone, this is the most common one they think of. They have a fairly good reputation with the other nations of the world, though they still have the general stereotype of the Amorone: swindlers, thieves, and cheats.

Capital: The Center of the World
Lasil is one of the most peaceful places in the world. While most of Inea is plagued by monsters, Lasil is nearly empty of them due to the many monasteries of warriors that spend their time clearing out the land. This is the homeland of the Eisak, and it is rare to find an Eisak living outside of it as the government of the country is built towards them and their desire to achieve. The nation is ruled by democracy. Every Eisak comes together to vote with the philosophers, who plead the case against this or that law in front of the people. Of course, this only applies for Eisak. Outsiders are not necessarily treated with disdain, but certainly with pity.

Capital: Revenika (also known as the Great Crossroad)
Maresh is generally considered to be the center of the world. Though it's neighbor Phelhar is the center of the strait, the Ruo Penninsula and the port city of Revenika there is built to be one of the easiest cities to access for any and all trade. While the majority culture here is the Ruoatath, you can find most any other culture here to trade, learn, perform their crafts, etc. This is also the home of the guilds of the Ruoatath: where most have their central guild halls. It is a bustle of trade and craft and working, ruled by the Guildmasters.

Capital: Paford
The country that lies in the strait between the two continents, Phelhar is a bit more closed off than you might expect from such a central location. The large cliffs on either side of the strait prevent much of the sea trade that other nations have, and the dislike of outsiders that most of the Ruoatath and Amorone of Phelhar have means that most of the trade is done by the same Ruoatath and the Amorone that liver there traveling just outside of the borders to Maresh for trade. Most of Phelhar is dedicated to ranches and farms that support much of the rest of the world with their trade. It is also one of the most defended, having been conquered too many times before.

Nations of Inea
Here is where you will find a bit more details about the various nations so you will know more about the various places you might be from or might visit.
Capital: The Den
This nation is known as the worst of the Amorone. They tend to get along the worst with other nations, preferring fellow Amorone rather than the other cultures. Their shorelines are rocky and difficult, and their small amount of territory means that for the most part their only income is based around raiding the other nations. Due to treaties with the other Amorone nations most of their raiding hits the shores of Deridia and Hadus to the south and Phelhar to the east.

Capital: None
Wyld is a thick, jungle that has been named this specifically because it has always been wild land. The only culture that has ever done well here is the Qicca, with their connection to the plants and animals here. There are no cities here, only the jungle, mostly because the creatures here are incredibly powerful and dangerous for anyone who is not careful or who tries to spread their power here.

Capital: Ixrea
Zathea is one of the newer nations, and the first Ixrean nation that has been seen. 80 years ago the island was taken from Sostalia in a war that took nearly forty years and left Sostalia weakened enough for Azaldin to take more land than they had been able to snatch up before. Zathea is ruled by their King, King Azelath, who was the conquering general before becoming the king. Since Zathea is still new, much of it is in flux. Nobility changes regularly, and the council that serves under the king still has a good amount of power over the people.