Welcome to the World of Inea
A Salt Lake City LARP
This is a fantasy world located in a place known as Inea. Here you will find many different and unique cultures, magical beasts with strange features and abilities, dark creatures known as horrors that stalk the wilds looking for you, and people who roam the world with the ability to control the most chaotic force in it: Magic.
Who am I?
You are what's called an Anathema.
Magic in this world is... chaos itself. It reacts to the emotional outbursts of the people around it, but no one can really predict what it might do. Sometimes it might start raining small animals, or perhaps a giant wall of flames will zig-zag through a nearby field. Everyone around the emotional outburst might start floating, or get suddenly flung away in random directions.
Of course, that isn't the case for you. See, you were born with the ability to control what that magic can do. Using incantations, rituals, and hand gestures, you can cause magic to shift to your whim. Maybe instead of raining cats, it rains only on the ones who offended you. Maybe the wall of fire only surrounds you, or you choose exactly where the people you are angry with move. You have one of the most unique and powerful abilities in the world.
And I'm sorry. So terribly sorry.
They are coming for you.
The Horrors. Terrible monsters from some other world. Whether they are here to kill you specifically or are drawn to your power has been up for debate for millennia, but what is known is that they will destroy anything in their path to get to you. They cannot be bargained with and they cannot be stopped. Everyone around you will die if you stay where you are, so you will have to run. Keep moving, it makes it harder for them to track you down. Find others, but be careful. The more Anathema in one place, the more Horrors will appear near them.
You will have to run, keep running, and do what you can to survive.
They're coming.
This Years Remaining Events
S1:E6 A Joyous Occasion
July 29th-31st
S1:E7 To Be Named
Aug 12th-14th
S1:E8 To Be Named
Sept 2nd-4th
Sept 30th-Oct 2nd