Character Details
So you want to build a character! Great! We’re glad to have you. There are a few things that you’re going to need to understand a bit better before you can fully make a character. At the bottom of this section you’ll find a couple of basic starting points that you can pull from to get the kind of character you want to play.
Character Stats
There are three main character stats that are going to come into play during the game: Health, Energy, and Grit. Health is how much damage you can take before you drop, Energy is how many skills you can use before you can’t, and Grit is how many times you can drop before you die. Together, these make up the three core stats.
The final stat is Skill Points. These are effectively experience points and measure how much your character has learned. They also decide whether you gain additional Health, Energy or Coinage depending on where you put them. For every 5 Skill Points that you put into Martial Skills you get 1 point of Health. For every 5 Skill Points you put into Magical Skills you get 3 points of Energy. And for every 5 Skill Points you put into Production Skills you get 1 silver worth of Coinage (basically, you make money because it’s assumed that you’re producing and selling things).
Starting characters will have 2 Grit, 3 Health, 6 Energy, and 10 Skill Points. If you wear a costume fitting your culture you receive an additional 1 Health. Check with Staff at your first event to see if you qualify for this.
Cultural Benefits
There are ten cultures that you can choose to be from in Inea. These are all human cultures, varying from people who worship death and sacrifice, to those who prefer perfection in all things. Where you come from is important, but note that other than what is covered in the culture packets on the website you are free to add whatever additional information you would like to your culture. These are meant to be a guideline so you can match up with your culture in game, not to take away the freedom and creativity of making the world your own. Remember to let plot know the things that you’ve added to your culture, however, as we are generally very willing to add your changes to the cultural pages themselves.
Each culture has 3 Traits which can alter the gameplay for each individual player. When you pick your culture as you create a character, you choose one of these traits to apply to you. Each culture has one specific one that no other culture shares and a couple that are shared between a few cultures.
You have spent enough time studying the stars and examining the sky that you have gained a connection to the cosmos.
When you use the “Channel” skill, you channel for twice as much as normal (2 per 10 seconds).
You spent much of your life drowning your woes or celebrating your highs with the help of outside substances. You have become particularly susceptible to them.
Potions affect you twice as much. This includes positive and negative effects.
You know how and who to talk to in order to make sure that your goods and services reach where they need to go.
When performing the “Trading” Downtime Action you gain knowledge of the market at one additional place and can act as though you used the “Travel” action to travel to one of those locations in the same action. Also gain 1 additional silver piece per event (not including half-day events).
Tribal Knowledge
You spent a good amount of your time among your tribe learning from your elders and teaching those younger than you. As a result, you’ve learned how to quickly instruct others.
You can spend 10 minutes of ingame time teaching someone a skill that you have in order to allow them one free use of that skill before the next Surge. This can only apply once per person until they’ve used the free use of that skill, and can only be a Martial Skill, Magical Skill, or non-passive Additional Skill. You can do this as many times as you have Grit per Surge (ex. If you have 3 Grit and know the skill Critical, you can spend 10 minutes teaching up to 3 people ingame to give them a free use of Critical whether they know the skill themselves or not.)
Warring Heritage
You have spent much of your childhood training and honing your body which allows you to pick up and understand higher concepts of fighting as though they were natural to you.
You can purchase Martial Skills in a pyramid rather than following the prerequisites. This means that you can purchase two Tier 1 Skills in order to purchase any Tier 2 Skill, and then two Tier 2 Skills to purchase a Tier 3 Skill. (Keep in mind that you need to purchase the Tier 1 skills for each Tier 2 Skill, before moving on to Tier 3 Skills).
You spent some time as your clan’s Taleweaver, or learned under your clan’s Taleweaver, enough to understand how to seek lore and why.
You can purchase all Lore skills at half price. You also gain the skill “Loremaster” which allows you to request basic lore information at any point, even if you don’t have the Lore for it.
You have a goal and the willpower to achieve it. You spend much of your time narrowing your focus on your goal.
When you create your character, you must choose one of the mastery options under Enhancements. This is your character’s perfection goal. Any skill working towards that mastery that costs more than 1 Skill Point costs 1 less to take. Any skill that costs 5 Skill Points or more costs 2 less.
You spent some time as your clan’s Taleweaver, or learned under your clan’s Taleweaver, enough to understand how to seek lore and why.
You can purchase all Lore skills at half price. You also gain the skill “Loremaster” which allows you to request basic lore information at any point, even if you don’t have the Lore for it.
You’ve spent much of your young life learning to make and create things, and because of this you are better at conserving and not wasting your resources.
When crafting items, you waste little and end up able to make two items with the same set of components.
As Ixreans come from another culture, they take on the benefits of what they were before they became an Ixrean.
Your childhood was full of strict fighting, training, and discipline, and because of it your skin has toughened.
You gain 1 additional Health everytime you gain 1 Grit.
Warring Heritage
You have spent much of your childhood training and honing your body which allows you to pick up and understand higher concepts of fighting as though they were natural to you.
You can purchase Martial Skills in a pyramid rather than following the prerequisites. This means that you can purchase two Tier 1 Skills in order to purchase any Tier 2 Skill, and then two Tier 2 Skills to purchase a Tier 3 Skill. (Keep in mind that you need to purchase the Tier 1 skills for each Tier 2 Skill, before moving on to Tier 3 Skills).
You’ve spent much of your young life learning to make and create things, and because of this you are better at conserving and not wasting your resources.
When crafting items, you waste little and end up able to make two items with the same set of components.
You were an aspiring Martyr or priest, learning their ways and the ways of their blood in the Hadus swamps. You have learned to use that skill now.
You gain the skill “Lifeblood” which lets you sacrifice points of max Health. This Health will regenerate with the next Surge, but cannot be regenerated before then.
Warrior Heritage
You have spent much of your childhood training and honing your body which allows you to pick up and understand higher concepts of fighting as though they were natural to you.
You can purchase Martial Skills in a pyramid rather than following the prerequisites. This means that you can purchase two Tier 1 Skills in order to purchase any Tier 2 Skill, and then two Tier 2 Skills to purchase a Tier 3 Skill. (Keep in mind that you need to purchase the Tier 1 skills for each Tier 2 Skill, before moving on to Tier 3 Skills).
You know how and who to talk to in order to make sure that your goods and services reach where they need to go.
When performing the “Trading” Downtime Action you gain knowledge of the market at one additional place and can act as though you used the “Travel” action to travel to one of those locations in the same action. Also gain 1 additional silver piece per event (not including half-day events).
You’ve spent the majority of your young life around the natural world, enough that you almost have a supernatural sense about it.
You gain the skill “Wild Empathy’ which allows you to judge the state of both plants and animals in order to understand them better. You can also harvest basic plant components (Tier 1 and 2).
You spent much of your life drawing your woes or celebrating your highs with the help of outside substances. You have become particularly susceptible to them.
Potions affect you twice as much. This includes positive and negative effects.
You have lived separately from the rest of civilization, connecting far more with the spiritual world than with the material one. Sometimes the spiritual world reaches back.
You gain the skill “Visionary”. This is a passive skill. Occasionally, you will get whispers and hints of future or current events, and may even see images of them.
You’ve lived your life and travelled through the Strait, and your ability to avoid the dangers and traps that the natural world throws there has made you better.
You become resistant to magical effects, and can use “Resist” against a Magical Skill once per Surge.
You know how and who to talk to in order to make sure that your goods and services reach where they need to go.
When performing the “Trading” Downtime Action you gain knowledge of the market at one additional place and can act as though you used the “Travel” action to travel to one of those locations in the same action. Also gain 1 additional silver piece per event (not including half-day events).
You received a proper education in one of the Ruoatath cities, likely the crossroads. From this you know how to learn and how to improve your skills.
You can apply one of the following for free to any appropriate skill per Grit you gain: Trained, Quickened, Instant, Directed, or Mobile.
Eldritch Touched
You have been touched by otherworldly things creeping in the underground of the Souza cities and it has left you changed somehow. You are more powerful for it.
You gain 3 additional Energy per Grit that you earn.
You received a proper education in one of the Ruoatath cities, likely the crossroads. From this you know how to learn and how to improve your skills.
You can apply one of the following for free to any appropriate skill per Grit you gain: Trained, Quickened, Instant, Directed, or Mobile.
You’ve spent much of your young life learning to make and create things, and because of this you are better at conserving and not wasting your resources.
When crafting items, you waste little and end up able to make two items with the same set of components.
You’re built differently, and however you move forward your way is altered by the way that you begin.
You can choose to begin with 2 additional Health at the cost of 6 Energy, or begin with 6 additional Energy at the cost of 2 Health.
You have lived separately from the rest of civilization, connecting far more with the spiritual world than with the material one. Sometimes the spiritual world reaches back.
You gain the skill “Visionary”. This is a passive skill. Occasionally, you will get whispers and hints of future or current events, and may even see images of them.
You spent much of your life drawing your woes or celebrating your highs with the help of outside substances. You have become particularly susceptible to them.
Potions affect you twice as much. This includes positive and negative effects.
Character backstories are an important part of what makes this game so much more immersive than most.
In order to create your backstory, send in the idea that you have for your character to and we'll get back to you on it. Please provide us with your account name on the site or with your facebook details in the e-mail so we will be able to get in contact with you.
From there we'll go over your idea and help you to flesh it out in the world. Once it's accepted you are good to participate as a PC in the story of Inea.
Each of the cultures listed on the Inea site have costuming requirements that help to represent where your character is from. This doesn’t have to be what they were born as, if you want to mix it up, just where they’ve connected to most and how they would present to others who see them. Keep in mind that you still only get the starting bonuses of one culture, though which one that is is based on your backstory.
If you come into the game with a good costume that represents the culture that you’ve chosen, and one that doesn’t look super modern but tries to go for the right look, you get an additional 1 Health. This will get you started at 4 Health rather than 3. Don’t worry too much about making your costume expensive or extravagant. Try to avoid clearly modern things like jeans and tennis shoes, make sure that you have the key costuming feature listed for your culture, and you’ll most likely pass.
This is another stat that you’re going to need to keep track of if you character plans to wear any armor. Armor is like Health in that it takes damage to lose it, but unlike Health you can regenerate your armor on your own without any special skills. Taking 20 breaths out of combat while you roleplay fixing up your armor with the appropriate kit (needles and cord for leather, hammer and pliers for metal, etc.) will get you 1 point of Armor back. You can do this as many times as you are able, just keep in mind that swinging a weapon or guarding against an attack is going to throw you off and you’ll have to start the count again.
Different types of armor and how much of it you’re wearing will also give you additional points:
Cloth Armor (thin gambesons, thin foam, etc.): 1 Armor
Light Armor (thick gambesons, leather under 10 oz., etc): 2 Armor
Medium Armor (leather 10 oz. or over, thin metal armor, light chain): 3 Armor
Heavy Armor (brigandine, heavy chain, plate, etc): 4 Armor
When you come into game with armor, you’ll need to have it checked with logistics before the game starts alongside your weapons. They’ll let you know exactly which category your armor fits.
If you’re wearing armor on more than one place on your body, you can get up to 2 additional points of Armor. You start with the strongest type you are wearing (heavy, medium, light, cloth) and then add 1 point each for arm or leg armor.
NOTE: It is recommended that you avoid wearing heavy armor on your feet as it can cause more damage while we’re hiking around than it’s worth. Shins and thighs tend to be just fine.
Anytime that you would lose Health due to a regular strike or a skill on an armored part of your body, you can instead call “Armor” and take that damage to your Armor total instead. There are a few skills that you can also call “Armor” on that will cause damage to your Armor instead of the effect listed. Those will be listed as “Blocked by Armor:” in the special descriptors, with the amount of damage done after the colon.
Leveling Up
Periodically throughout the year you will be awarded with Grit. This will be effectively considered a “Level Up” for your character, as it will award you with 2 new Skill Points to use and the ability to get back up more often. Along with that, you’ll be receiving at least 1 Skill Point per event that you attend. These can be used to buy more skills and flesh out your character more.
For the most part you’re going to want to focus on one of the blocks of skills in order to make sure that your character has everything they need to excel, but the choice is still yours. If you want to branch out and make a two or three block character, that’s perfectly fine, and honestly a valid way to build. Besides, at some point you’ll want to branch out to get more Energy for your attacks, maybe more Health so you aren’t so squishy, or maybe you want to be able to buy your own things with Coinage. It’s up to you where you start or finish.
Character Death
Character death is going to happen. It can be pretty rough to lose a character, but this is meant to be a pretty scary game and in order to make it that way there will always be the chance of your character dying. When your Dying count is over and your character is officially dead, you can build a new character with ½ the Grit and Skill Points of the previous character. You get the benefit of being able to sell back skills for full price before their second event as well, like new players.