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Cultures of Inea

Basic Overview

Here are the details of the cultures that you can choose to have been raised in.

Cultures of Inea: Welcome



The Amorone are pirates, plain and simple. They were banished to live on the ocean for centuries and it meant that most of them are focused entirely on the sea. Their lives revolve around it. 

For an Anathema, this is particularly dangerous. Depending on the exact focus of your crew, you might be anywhere from greatly disliked to outright hated. An Anathema on the ocean is particularly dangerous since horrors have no qualms with appearing on ships themselves and wrecking them, causing massive damage and often causing ships to sink or vanish. They're seen as particularly distainful, and if you are a known Anathema there is no chance of you being allowed on a ship. It's much too dangerous for everyone involved. 

Amorone live most of their lives in with their tribe, called a "Crew". Cute, I know. Your crew is generally going to have one particular skill that they focus on: fishing, raiding, crafting, or ranching. It's up to you how you want your crew to behave. If you want to join one of the crews existing in game, make sure that you mention it when you send in your backstory to the plot team. There's going to be some more details of them in particular and how they fit into the world that you're going to want to know. 

As a new Amorone, you would probably come from one of these different backstories:

  1. You are one of the raiding Amorone who spent much of your life living on the coastline. Maybe you joined the raiding parties that went out to harass the other cultures and nations and try to steal their goodies, or maybe you lead a calmer life fishing along the coasts of Amorone land. You might even be a crafter in one of the Amorone port cities.  

  2. You are part of the sea-faring Amorone who chose not to return to the land like the others. Your life has been a bit more chaotic, as raiding and fishing are pretty much all you've known. Your city literally floats on the water and it can go anywhere that it wants. Of course, keep in mind that once you were discovered as Amorone you were probably immediately thrown overboard as they can't have you wrecking their literal floating city by drawing Horrors to you. 

    Ultimately, the details of your character's crew is up to you, but keep to these general ideas so that the world make sense. If you really want to make an immersive character that fits well with the world, read into the cultural details below. 

Key Costume Features: Amorone have a few details important to recognizing them from the other cultures. First, their trinkets. Wearing six, seven, ten, and even more necklaces, bracelets, belts, arm bands, hair beads - really any accessories - is super common for them. Their gods require those as a regular kind of sacrifice. Tattoos are also very very common, usually with some kind of story or meaning behind them.

Mechanical Benefit: When performing the “Trading” Downtime Action they gain knowledge of the market at one additional place across the nearest body of water and can act as though they used the “Travel” action to travel to one of those locations in the same action. Also gain 1 additional silver piece per event  (not including half-day events).

Cultures of Inea: Text



Dakrians are tribalistic people. Their culture is mostly built around the idea of tradition and family, and boy does that come up as important. Everything from your place in society to your place in the world comes from your age and position in the family. If you leave the corpses of your kills lying around unused, are infertile, or your family is killed - you are officially considered lesser than those who have children and could still have more. 

Progress is nearly impossible with the Dakrians, as it's seen as dangerous and even evil in some cases. Their big enemy is Grenagi, the Goddess of Evil and Dark, who works through her daughters: Drimini, the Goddess of Magic, and Gagini the Goddess of Secrets, to plant awful thoughts and deeds in the hearts of men and the world around them. They are drawn in by technology, and so technology is very carefully considered and shunned if it might be too powerful in order to draw Grenagi's ire. It's a large part of the reason that outsiders are considered evil as well, and are often shunned or outright killed for getting to close. 

Anathema however, are not considered to work for Drimini but instead against her, bringing order and tradition to the magic that otherwise is a corrupting force.  They are called Godsend, and are pretty much considered minor gods in their own right. While the tribe that gave birth and raised the Anathema will absolutely worship the Anathema as a god (so long as they don't cause any great damage to the tribe) but other tribes will simply consider them to be outsider gods, and while they won't necessarily be hostile, they won't outright worship you for it. 

Most Dakrian are going to come from one of the following backgrounds:

  1. You were part of the more violent Dakrian clans, spending much of your lives hunting and killing down the larger magical beasts that exist in the Outer Islands. Most of your life was spent in motion as your clan moved from place to place in their hunts. From a very young age you were taught to fight, hunt, track, and kill as though it were just part of your world. Particularly hunting outsiders, if you could find them, as killing a being with a higher technology than your own is considered a great thrill and a sign of your particular talent. 

  2. You were part of one of the more spiritual clans. Most of your travel was done in pilgrimage from one holy site to another as you learned to commune with spirits of Dakrian ancestors or spirits of animals that were meant to teach you to exist in the world. Most of your diet was probably plant based, though hunting wouldn't be forbidden, just uncommon. Eating animals would be considered a thing done out of necessity, not out of greed or a desire for the kill. 

    Ultimately how your clan functioned is entirely up to you, and you are welcome to play around with any odd combinations of the basic Dakrian way that you would like. Try to keep with the general Dakrian theme when creating though. 

Key Costuming Features: Dakrians almost always have some kind of fur on them. Sometimes it's connected to their spirit animal, sometimes it's their first successful hunt or one of their greatest. Maybe it's particularly pretty. No matter what it is, fur is always prominent in their costume design.

Mechanical Benefit: Gain the skill “Taleweaver” which allows them to request basic Lore from event staff without having the specific Lore skill and get a baseline idea. You can also purchase any Lore skills at half price.

Cultures of Inea: Text



Eisak are beings of structure and perfection. By the age of 8 every Eisak is expected to have found their chosen craft and are given as apprentices to masters in order to achieve perfection in their craft. They are incredibly religious, almost cult-like in their worship, and most Eisak will have spent their young life studying the teachings of Kamen and Eisen, the main religious figures of their history. Whether they took to it or not, that's up to you.

Eisak value patience and structure, so having a well-kept schedule would have been part of your childhood from a very young age.  Everything has some kind of ritual to it: getting up, dressed, eating, getting ready for bed, even relieving yourself. Your life would be filled with purpose and reason for everything, even if, when you think about it too hard, those reasons might not totally make sense. Most Eisak are zealots, so they would reject any attempts to question how things are done. 

Once you were discovered to be Anathema, you would most likely have been treated very differently. You would find that most of the parents of the other kids would tell their children to avoid you, or at least not to consider you a friend. You would have been isolated, even by zealous family members, and whispered about in the halls. Of course, you would also be treated highly by people in public, pitied by most, but heralded as a great defender of Inea. You would want for nothing, as gifts would pretty much be in a constant influx, and governmental authorities would have taken you in to live in small mansions. Effectively, your duty in the world is to hold back the darkness long enough that everyone else can move on to their salvation and leave you behind. You no longer can achieve salvation.

If you grew up Eisak, you would most likely have one of the following backgrounds:

  1. You chose a production craft during your ceremony at eight years old. This could be anything: potion crafting, blacksmithing, pottery, even something like caligraphy. Your parents sent you to live with a master of your craft until you were sixteen, at which point you became an adult on your own. Although you would still be somewhat connected to your family line, fellows in your craft would be more like your family now and you would spend more of your time focused on your guild rather than on your house. 

  2. You chose a military craft during your coming of age ceremony. Your parents sent you to live in the monastery of that specific craft, where you trained day and night to become perfect with it. You were inducted into the monastic order and remained there until you were found to be Anathema. Battle was never an expected part of your future, as for the most part the Eisak avoid war at all costs, however you might have been loaned to other nations to help serve their purpose. 

Key Costuming Features: Eisak tend to have layers. Like a lot of them. most prominently they will always have some kind of robe that they wear over their other clothing. These robes can be any style, but usually have full sleeves and some kind of belt wrapped around them to keep them close at the waist. Oftentimes they will represent the soul of the Eisak in some way. In general, Eisak are also known for wearing any kind of clothing - there is no specific gender considerations for them.

Mechanical Benefit: Gain 1 additional Skill Point per Grit. (3 per Grit instead of 2)

Cultures of Inea: Text



To become an Ixrean means that you have been infected with what is generally referred to as "The Curse". This causes you to take on features of some kind of animal or plant, any single kind. You won't find Ixreans of Magical Beasts, but most general animals and plants are pretty easy to find. At the start of the infection you'll begin to exhibit either plant or animal behaviors, then features will begin to appear. These might be feathers, fur, claws, fangs, leaves, branches, vines, flowers... anything that shows what kind of thing you've been infected with.

At some point most animal-cursed Ixreans reach a state known as the Primal State, which is the final stage of the Curse. This is when they become entirely feral, and are nearly animals themselves but even more violent. They will attack others, and usually infect them if they are not already Ixrean. There is no known cure for them at this point, and as far as anyone knows they never fully become an animal, but usually these are not seen again if they are not immediately killed. Going Feral is a fear for all animal-cursed Ixreans. 

On the other hand, if you are a plant-cursed Ixrean, the experience would be largely different. Being sedentary is terrifying for a plant-cursed Ixrean as it means that they have a higher and higher chance of simply not being able to get up. Over time they will become more tired and more sedentary until they effectively go into a deep sleep known as Cursed Slumber. No Ixrean has ever woken up from a cursed slumber in known history. 

Something important to note about Ixreans: a singular culture does not define them. Most Ixreans are born in different cultures and, after some kind of traumatic event either with wildlife or with another Ixrean attacking them, develop their animalistic parts. Think kind of like a werewolf bite though it could be a claw, sting, touch or even just a song. Sometimes they're thrown out, sometimes they're taken care of, but ultimately it depends on the culture.

If you were born in Zathea, you likely wouldn't be over forty since the island hasn't been a sanctuary for very long yet. You might have found your way here or been brought here by someone friendly or sympathetic to your plight as well, in which case you would have been raised much the same. Ixreans are a huge cultural melting pot of all kinds of things, and most likely you've picked up a unique blend of all of the various cultures all rolled up into one. 

If you weren't born or found your way to Zathea when you were very young... things are a bit different:


    You wouldn't have been kicked out when your curse was discovered, but you certainly would have been shunned. Amorone are very superstitious, so they would absolutely believe that if they spent time with you, they would end up cursed as well. of course, more loving members of family, friends, or crew might have stuck by you for loyalty's sake, but you definitely wouldn't feel welcome most places you went, even if no one said a word about it. 


    You are infested by Drimini, the evil Goddess of Magic. To be near you would be to draw her eye and to associate with you would cause them to become one of her agents like you are. You would be thrown out immediately, left to fend for yourself and avoided like the plague. Mother, father, all of your tribe would likely act like either you never existed, or you died when you became infected. 


Similar to the Dakrian, you can never, ever achieve perfection. You are a symbol of the Three and cursed beyond belief. To be near you is to risk their own chance to achieve perfection. You would likely be killed upon discovery unless particularly soft-hearted family manage


The fact that you survived the Jicos means that you were either born somewhere outside of the cities, somewhere where people might not have noticed and you may have been smuggled out by family, or you are incredibly lucky. The Jicos remove Ixreans the moment that they are discovered because they interrupt the Oracle's sight. That is considered one of the most unthinkable things to have happen, and Ixreans are absolutely made kill on sight because of it - no matter where they come from. 


You are pitiable, but they cannot allow you to remain where people might be infected by you. If you are not imprisoned to be ritualistically sacrificed by the Martyrs, you are probably chased out of town and forced to live on your own. 


You are heralded as royalty. While they will still keep you at armslength, just like the other cultures, it's more out of worship for you then because you are Ixrean. Some might even come to you to request being infected in order to achieve the same level of connection with the world that you have. You are called, "Good Mother" or "Good Father" and beloved. Of course... maybe a bit too much. You'd probably be stalked, and would probably have people surrounding you everywhere... always.  Once you were discovered as Anathema you would be held even higher, and treated like a god. You wouldn't be allowed to remain there because it's not your path and you have to roam the world to stop the threat of the Horrors, but you would be welcome to return on occasion once or twice a year. 


Disgusting. They won't kill you, but you'll be awful to them. Less than dirt on the side of the road and treated like that. People might even ignore that you exist at all, until you act threatening, or unless they've found some way to market you. 


They have a treaty with the Ixreans of Zathea. They can't kill you, but they certainly aren't going to let you stay in their gorgeous cities or eat anywhere near their tea rooms and dining halls. Off you go to the Isle of the Cursed to be with your own kind. You're certainly not Souzan anymore. 


No one can ever really tell with a Teghux whether they'll love you, worship you, hate you, or kill you, but in general it's the last one. Ixreans are often hunted for sport or kidnapped and trapped in coliseums as the ultimate game for the Teghux raiders. Best to steer clear here. 

Key Costuming Features: Ixreans all have some kind of animal or plant trait.This must be represented in your character somehow, whether this is with make up, masks, or prosthetics. Keep in mind that your Ixrean most likely comes from somewhere else, which means you would also need the key feature from that culture as well. If your Ixrean comes from Zathea, they would have a mish-mash of a few key features of other cultures as their own key feature.

Mechanical Benefit: Gains the benefit of their natural culture.

Cultures of Inea: Text



The Jicos are effectively the world police when it comes to magical anomaly.  They believe in balance in all things, and this is an incredibly important part of their structure. Depending on where you find yourself in the world, everything is at the whim of one of the many Orders of the Jicos, which might be military orders or civilian ones. Their leader, the Oracle, can see into the future and will direct the Jicos against the whims of fate. They are known as the world's police force for a reason, as if there is an imbalance of power somewhere in the world, you will likely find the Jicos there to fight it. This includes an order specifically for hunting down Anathema. (That's you.) 

Most likely if you were born Jicos, you have a couple of options:

  1. If you were born in the main nation of Ciarza, you might be in trouble and you are definitely incredibly lucky. The Order of the Black Lion, a hunting order dedicated to finding and killing Anathema wherever they can be found, are everywhere in Ciarza, and most of them look like entirely normal people and are probably even friendly. Add to that the fact that you were probably part of the Order of Students, or even part of one of the other Orders entirely when you were found out, and you had to have some special luck on your side to get away before the Hunters slaughtered you in the street. If you did, you were probably pretty well brainwashed to believe that what you are is a monster, a creature that destroys the very fabric of reality. 

  2. If you were born outside of Ciarza, you might be in a bit more luck. Things are more lax out here, and so the Lions aren't quite as everywhere. You might have even been raised in a family like a normal person, rather than being shipped off to the Order of Students when you were four. This means you might have had more of a chance to get ready to leave, and been prepared before you had to run for your life. Because, believe me, you definitely would have had to run. 

Most Anathema are probably pretty disillusioned with their culture if they were Jicos. After all, everything that the Jicos teach say that Anathema are a problem. From a very young age, children are taught the terrible story of the Dark Wizard Qedjix who nearly took over the world. It was only from the great sacrifice of the Dreaming Goddess that he vanished at all, sacrificing the power of the Oracle to clearly see what was going to happen and leaving them with much more difficult visions of the future. Anathema themselves are an ungodly blend of the Astral and Material Planes, and they actively drag spirits of the dead into the physical world, turning them into Horrors. Your existence is literal torture to people who have lived their long lives and are trying to relax in an afterlife. Not exactly the most pleasant of thoughts. 

Key Costuming Features: Jicos typically have some kind of symbol or pattern to represent themselves. Pride is important for them, so having heraldry either of your order or of yourself is essential. Even Anathema will usually have some kind of pride for themselves and will wear a mark that represents them

Mechanical Benefit: Begin the game with 1 extra Health. (4 Health baseline rather than 3.)

Cultures of Inea: Text



The Morosus life is pretty dedicated to ritual, though not as much as some of the other cultures. There are various life stage rituals that occur over the life span of the Morosus. Of course, as an Anathema you've been cut off from that. The Morosus believe that life is a constant cycle of reincarnation. To end the cycle is to be cursed forever, and because of this the Morosus are very careful to continue the cycle always. Dying from anything besides being killed is considered taboo, and most will avoid it at all costs. The only way to have your soul return to the cycle is to be eaten. Yes, that does mean cannibalism.  

Anathema cannot be consumed. They are effectively considered infected with darkness, specifically the evil darkness of an evil god known as Orynus. If one dies of disease this is seen as a great sadness, as it means that they cannot be eaten and so they cannot be reincarnated again and continue to guard the world against Orynus. To consume an Anathema is to infect oneself, and because of that the only way to fix an Anathema is to kill them in a very particular ritual and burn their bodies to free their spirits. 

Most likely if you were born Morosus and discovered to be Anathema, you would have been hunted down. Running for your life would have been necessary if you weren't zealous enough to allow yourself to be sacrificed. It would be unlikely that family would have kept you from death in this kind of situation, as the best way in their mind for them to save you is to sacrifice you. 

If you were born Morosus you would probably come from one of these backgrounds:

  1. If you were born in Hadus, you would most likely be fairly strict with your religious beliefs and rituals. As Hadus is the first land of the Morosus and the original capital of the Empire, they would have much more of a focus around tradition, and most of your time would probably have been spent growing up in the city and going to some kind of school. You would have had a higher connection to the political world than most Morosus. 

  2. If you were born in Deridia, your life would have been quite a bit more lax. Most Deridians are more focused in the back country, and so there is a lot more connection to the wilds and it would have been a much more dangerous life. You would likely be more of a survivalist and a fighter, ranging through the swamps and mountains of the land in search of a hunt. 

Key Costuming Features: Morosus all have a wrap of some kind that they wear to designate their family ties. Blood is very important, and so they spend a good amount of their time keeping track of bloodlines and heraldry. For some Morosus this is a small thing that they wear around their waist or across their chest. For some, typically members of rich or powerful families in Hadus, their entire outfit is made of one large wrap of cloth.

Mechanical Benefit: Gain the skill “Lifeblood” which allows them to sacrifice 1 Max Health to regain 10 Energy. This Health cannot be healed back and will only return at the next Magic Surge.

Cultures of Inea: Text



The Qicca are considered to be a strange group, even by some of the odder cultures. Qicca are bright and happy people, spending much of their time thinking of the world optimistically, and not necessarily realistically. They believe in a couple of things: striving to bond as much with the natural world as possible, and that every being in the world is related somehow. Qicca are brothers and sisters with eachother, while outsiders are regarded as cousins. Their desire to bond with natures is why you will often find Qicca draped with vines or leaves and with at least one pest crawling around among their clothes. Generally considered disgusting by their neighbors, they have been conquered many times as they very rarely choose a violent path.

If you were found as Anathema among the Qicca, you would have been greatly celebrated. You now have a purpose in life that is declared by your power, and you must go out and protect the Tree Mother from the creatures known as "Horrors". They will be constantly drawn to you as you are her defender. It is your duty then to travel the world and find the wild places where you can meditate and gain her power to fight off the evil that tries to take her. 

    Though you would not be able to stay with the Qicca on their tiny island, you would be able to visit several times a year, and be celebrated as a hero among them. Their celebrations are often not what you would expect, and not always the most pleasant for outsiders, but for fellow Qicca it is a great time of excitement.

    If you were born a Qicca, you might have come from a couple of backgrounds:

  1. You lived in the jungles of Wyld, possibly worshipping in the shrines in the center of dense forests and camping among the stars in the meadows there. Your job would be to learn the ways of the animals in hunting, gathering, and so on.

  2. You lived on one of the coastal regions of the island, where the ground is far more salted and leads into a drought covered swamp. You would have lived in a small mud house somewhere there, though your task in life would be much the same. In this case though you would learn from the fish and the reptiles, rather than the forest creatures.

The Qicca have no government of their own, and instead are ruled over by the Jicos from across the water. Regular raids from various Jicos looking to tame the strange wild island would be common. These are seen with some amount of fear, as the Jicos will often bring fire to burn as much of the growth as they can. However, the Qicca forest is hearty, and no matter how often they come they usually find the forest has regrown shortly after they leave it.

Key Costuming Features: As mentioned above, the Qicca are draped with greenery. They often look almost like plants themselves, though they do pick one type of plant that they prefer. They also often smell, though obviously you do not have to imitate that part. That's more a reaction that will usually come when others involve themselves with Qicca.

Mechanical Benefit: Gain the skill “Wild Empathy” which allows them to judge the state of both plants and animals in order to calm or pacify them. They also harvest basic plant components (Tier 1 and 2 components).

Cultures of Inea: Text



The Ruoatath live in the expansive plains on the northern end of the eastern continent. They are known as the traders of the world, with caravans of Ruoatath wandering everywhere. Ruoatath believe that their word is their bond in a very complete sense, and to break your word to someone is to become less than a person in their eyes. For this reason they are trusted as some of the best traders you could work with. Make a deal with a Ruoatath and they will never go back on it. 

Of course, there are plenty of Ruoatath that are a bit more difficult to deal with. Just because they can’t break the deal once it’s been set doesn’t mean that they won’t try to turn the deal as much in their favor as they possibly can. For this reason, they can also be some of the slimiest people to try and pin into a good deal. 

As an anathema, you wouldn’t have been killed after having been born a Ruoatath. The Ruoatath believe that anathema are created in order to effectively save the world, however you would have been shunned. Most Ruoatath travel heavily, with a lot of caravans and beasts to carry all of their things around. Anathema and their tendency to draw in Horrors are one of the biggest business risks that a Ruoatath could run into. Most likely you would have been fed some kind of platitudes about “doing your duty” or “moving into the world at large” and then dumped into a field somewhere and told not to follow. 

If you were born into the Ruoatath, you would most likely have been part of a few  main groups:

  1. Merchant guilds of the Ruoatath are constantly in a battle with one another to achieve the highest level of glory. Merchant families are practically nobility here, and you may have come from one of the rich ones who run the city like mafia dons. If so, you would have nothing but the highest education and would likely have been taught to be particularly clever with deals and making them. The shock of your near banishment when you became anathema would be quite a bit on your system.  

  2. Maybe you come from one of the craftsmen families that are used and abused by the system of guilds over them. Contracted into impossible debt with the promise that if you ever managed to make it big you would be freed from your debt, you would be working constantly to try and achieve more. 

  3. Then again, you could come from one of the caravan families. Travelling constantly, you would know more about the other cultures than most people. Your ability to negotiate would be higher and you would have spent most of your younger years traveling from place to place. Of course, most cities would treat you harshly - seeing you as little more than what you could do for them, but at least you wouldn’t have to worry as much about the debt.

Key Costuming Features: The Ruoatath are known for their sleeveless robe look. Usually they are found in bright colors, tastefully put together and with jewelry accents. Fashion is important to the Ruoatath, so making sure that you look gorgeous on top of clean is essential to good business.

Mechanical Benefit: When performing the “Trading” Downtime Action they gain knowledge of the market at one additional place within the continent they’re on and can act as though they used the “Travel” action to travel to one of those locations in the same action. Also gain 1 silver piece per event (not including half-day events).

Cultures of Inea: Text



The Souza are interesting to say the least. Their culture has been around for the longest time of any, according to them they’ve been around since the beginning of time, and that time has started to give them a few strange quirks, along with some of the highest technology that can be found to date. There are a few big parts of the Souzan culture that are important to note. 

The Souza consider exploration and travel to be some of their highest priorities. It is part of the reason that their territory has always been so large compared to the others. Souza pride themselves on discovery, and gathering the information that they find out and about in the world is a big point of their continued existence. They found the best strategies and the smartest tactics from the information they gained from other cultures and went from there. 

Part of this exploration turned into what is now called the Archives - a set of catacomb like tunnels under the Great Temple of the Phoenix in their capital city - Ashevale. The Archive is a collection of all of the works and discoveries made by the Souzan people over centuries. Souza will record their discoveries and bring it to the Archive to store it, simply placing it on one of the many many shelves. The Archive has been there since before history can even remember, and although a few people have tried to catalog all the information there has never been a specific person or group who has been able to successfully achieve it. There is even a group in the capital that prides themselves on specifically exploring the archive. 

As an anathema you would be thrown out of their cities immediately, and barred entry. The Souza are the culture that has had the most amount of cities raized because of Horrors, and specifically Monstrosities, and they are careful not to let it happen again. Although they do not enjoy violence, there have been bands of Souza sent out to disrupt and remove gatherings of anathema that they have discovered in order to keep the Horrors numbers and power low. 

If you were born into the Souza, you would probably have come from one of the following backgrounds:

  1. The first main faction of the Souza are the city folk. You can find them in, well, any city. These are prim, proper, and careful members of society. Public expression is frowned upon, and so most likely you would have spent most of your time putting on a pretty face for the crowd and probably gossiping horribly behind each other’s backs. Appearance is everything for city Souza, and that means that they are very careful to keep their bodies in good shape and are one of the only cultures to focus heavily on cleanliness and things like make up. Most likely you would have been raised with a proper education of some kind, taught exactly how to act and sit and speak in order to fit in perfectly with society.

  2. The second faction are the colonists. Souza have spread everywhere over the many years, and most of that has been spreading out into the Outer Islands. There are hundreds of Souza colonies all over the eastern half of the world - though their feud with the Morosus has mostly kept them off the western half. Each colony is a bit different, but all of them tend to be freer and more focused on learning and exploration than on proper dress and manners. You were probably home schooled by parents or neighbors rather than in a real school, and most of the education was likely more focused towards discovery than towards anything else.

Key Costuming Features: There are two main parts to the Souzan costume. Firstly is their love of lace, you will usually find at least one lace piece on the Souza, even if it's just a lace shawl or umbrella. The second part is the amount of covering. Modesty is held in high regard, so you'll usually not find Souza that even have their hands uncovered when outside their home. The exception is balls, where more skin is always permitted. Just be careful, since the line between tasteful and barbaric is very very thin and hard to see.

Mechanical Benefit: Begin the game with 6 extra Energy (18 Energy baseline rather than 12).

Cultures of Inea: Text



Of every culture on Inea, the Teghux are by far the hardest to pin down and the most insane. Literally insane. You can meet one Teghux who is a strong believer that the moon is a portal into a dark dimension led by goblins, and the next day meet one who believes that cleanliness is a sin and the only way to live is by rolling in dirt twice a week. Pinning down a specific culture for the Teghux is literally impossible as they have hundreds upon thousands of them. 

Teghux are randomness incarnate. Known for having some of the strangest cultures and requirements and very rarely making sense with them, most of the world avoid the Teghux like a plague. Which, to be fair, is perfectly fine with the Teghux. While they roam around their desert causing chaos and mischief wherever they go, they don’t tend to leave it for any reason, even if they’re chasing after a particular group or person. They have their hunting grounds and they prefer to stay there at the detriment of anyone else around them. 

If you were born a Teghux, you have complete freedom to be however you want. There are not particular backgrounds or advice I can give, other than the fact that you are insane. Very very little that you say or do will make sense. If you were found to be an anathema among the Teghux, it is likely that you found yourself in one of their colosseums - makeshift creations where the Teghux will fight each other or other creatures. Fighting Horrors is fun to them, as well is fighting Anathema. These arenas are not set in stone however, and can often suddenly be taken down by the Teghux cheering the fighters on and the entire group splits and goes their separate ways, never to speak again. It is purely chaos. 

Keep in mind though, the Teghux are not necessarily chaotically evil - just chaotic. There are good and bad Teghux just as there are good and bad people everywhere else. It's just harder to predict which they'll be on any given day.

Key Costuming Features: The second thing that most Teghux follow, other than the arenas, is the fact that they have a strange fascination with clothing. Most Teghux, when they fight and beat an enemy, will take an article of their clothing to wear like a trophy. For this reason, Teghux clothing is always mismatched and often pieces of clothing that belong in one place will be put in another - like a shoe used as a hat.

Mechanical Benefit: Begin the game with either +2 Health and -6 Energy or +6 Energy and -2 Health.

Cultures of Inea: Text

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